Complete your journal this week on the the lesson in study island titled Earth's Spheres and Bio-geochemical Cycles.  Remember to refer to the Journal Rubric for this assignment.  Post your journal in the comments section of this blog.  First name and last initial only.

OH Grade 7, Science Standard Earth and Space Sciences 1
Explain the biogeochemical cycles which move materials between the lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water) and atmosphere (air).
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9/1/2011 03:45:46 am

In science in the subject earth's spheres and Bio-geochemical cyclesI learned that the hydrosphere it is made up of liquid ,frozen,or gaseous water on earth.Did you know that earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and when water moves from earths surface into the earths atmosphere its called evaporation.When there is iron found in solid rocks and the rocks rust then the lithosphere interacts with the atmosphere.

Kaitlyn C
9/6/2011 11:07:32 pm

In The science lesson I learned about. Bio-geochemical cycles I Learned that the hydrosphere is made with there own liquid and frozen or gaseous water . and more,,,,

Sierra J
9/7/2011 12:45:49 am

This week's science lesson was about the atmosphere. Somethings i learned while doing this lesson are that the atmosphere is 99% nitrogen and oxygen. Another thing i learned was that the biosphere is made up of any part of the earth where organisms live. I also learned about the lithosphere, which is the outermost layer of the geosphere includes the crust and the uper mantle. The hydrosphere includes all water on or near earth's surface.

Logan w
9/7/2011 01:26:54 am

What I learned today is how rocks are formed and how the are broke down and how they are formed.

Reno S
9/7/2011 12:43:10 pm

this weeks lesson was about Earth's Spheres and Biogeochemical Cycles, i Learned biosphere includes any part of the Earth where organisms live,and also learned the gasses in the earths atmosphere such as oxygen, nitrogen,water vapor and many more. i learned about the Geosphere and Lithosphere, the lithosphere is the outer layer of the Geosphere, and the Geosphere is physical elements of the earth.

Jessica H
9/8/2011 11:17:31 am

This weeks leson whas about Earth's Cycles. I learned
Rain water has the least contaminants.
Ocean water is not good drinking water.
Rain is too heavey to stay in a cloud.
The most water evaporation comes from the ocean .
The evaporation cycle has no beginning and no end.

dakota s.
9/8/2011 04:27:14 pm

this weeks lesson was about the biogeochemical cycles and the biosphere.Nitrogen and oxygen are the two most sufficient gases. there are other gases that are in smaller amounts. nitrogen 78.08%.oxygen 20.95%.water vapor 0-4%.argon 0.93%.carbon dioxide 0.036% and much more.The biosphere includes any of the planet where organisms live. It goes to crust of the Earth to the atmosphere. every living organisms on the Earth are included within the biosphere.

9/18/2011 11:57:58 pm

The Earth has four main interacting systems.Such as atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere.The atmosphere is composed of a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.The biosphere includes any part of the Earth where organisms live. It extends from the crust of the Earth to the atmosphere.The geosphere includes the physical elements of the Earth's surface, crust, and interior.The lithosphere is the outermost layer of the geosphere, and it includes the crust and upper mantle.

9/19/2011 12:28:58 am

This Lesson I learned Earth & Space I learned that the Water Cycle has beginning or end.I also learned that the Condensation is changing of a gas to liquid.I also learned that the atmosphere is composed of a thin layer of gases that surrounds the earth.Also the earth has four main interacting systems such as atmosphere,biosphere,geosphere,and hydrosphere.Also the biosphere includes any part of the Earth were organisms live.

9/19/2011 12:33:45 am

I learned that the earth has four main interacting systems. the systems are the atmosphere, biosphere,geosphere,and hydrosphere.nitrogen and oxygen are the two most abundant gasses they make up about 99% of the atmosphere.

9/27/2011 01:22:48 am

I learned that the lithosphere is the outermost layer of the geosphere, and it includes the crust and upper mantle. The lithosphere is made up of several different plates, which slowly move across the Earth's surface. Below that lies the asthenosphere, which also includes part of the upper mantle.

James F.
9/28/2011 01:10:04 am

these are some things I learned in science.I learned that there are tons of spheres.There are atmosphere's biosphere's,and tons more.I learned about kinetic energy,potential energy,matter,heat,sound,electric energy,thermal energy,light energy,and more.I learned about how much stuff can cause pollution like cars,factories,pesticides,trash dumping,and other vehicles.Those are some things I learned in science.

9/28/2011 01:27:36 am

What I learned today is the Earth's cycle ,I've learned the water cycle,Atmosphere,Biosphere,Geosphere,and Hydrosphere....


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