Assignment is below the video...
The video above discusses Lincoln's legacy and assassination, an assassination that occurred just as the Civil War had ended.

However, just because the war was over, it did not mean that the issues that divided America had gone away.  This was a time period called "Reconstruction" simply saying that our nation needed our ideas and foundation reconstructed or rebuilt.

Southern states still hated northerners, many places still had slaves, and our nation was still divided. Congress, the Presidency, and our Judicial System set out to fix many of these issues

In your post this week complete the following:
  1. Read the Study Island lesson on Reconstruction
  2. Select 3 acts, amendments, court cases, or laws discussed in the Study Island lesson
  3. For each of the 3 please describe what it was, explain how it helped bring Americans together (or if it tore them apart), and if it  is still in effect today.
  4. This should be well organized and submitted in the comment section
  5. If you use information from another source besides Study Island...cite it!
Izzy S
10/26/2011 02:49:16 am

Black Codes : This meant that their were laws that African Americans could not live in the South . This made the African Americans mad , and did not bring people together . This is not in effect today , anyone can live anywhere . Everyone is equal today .

Jim Crow Laws : These laws allowed legal separation of African Americans and whites . That meant that African Americans could not set or go places that whites did . This did not bring Americans together . This law is not in effect today .

14th Amendment : This was passed in 1866 and ratified in 1868 . It said that all people born in the U.S are citizens , except Native Americans . This law didn't really bring anyone together or apart . It is still in affect today .

david b
10/26/2011 02:59:46 am

My three things are/.

1. 13th Amendment.

2. 14th Amendment.

3. 15th Amendment .

The 13 Amendment was made to abolish slavery and u.s. .It also brought some Americans together and some were tore apart.

The 14 Amendment made native Americans and other people through 1866 and ratified in 1868 were committed u.s. citizens .

THE 15 amendment made and gave African American men the right to vote and that it was ratified on February 3, 1870. It also gave every man the right to vote. And cant be denied or judged by race or color.

Matthew P.
10/26/2011 03:05:34 am

I selected three amendments. The amendments are the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. The 13th amendment is an amendment that tells us that slavery is illegal. The 14th amendment tells us that people that are born in America are American citizens except for native Americans. The 15th amendment tells us that African American men have the right to vote but not women. The 13th amendment I think did both tore us apart and brought us together. The 14th amendment brought us together the most out of the three I'm talking about. The 15th amendment brought us more together because it shows that we can make it fare for the African Americans too.

C'urrai"e G.<3
10/26/2011 03:05:57 am

FreedMen's Bureau-..
This act was to assist former slaves.It established schools for African Americans and helped to find jobs for them.It Brought the Americans together by showing them how to work together and get along with each other.Yes it is still in affect in today society.
Reconstruction Amendments-
These act described the 13th,14th,and the 15th amendments.It helped bring Americans together by letting them vote and extending the slaves rights after the civil war.Later on til this day the 15th Amendment is changed because now MEN & WOMEN can vote and slavery is no longer in process.
Black Codes-
This Act is about the series of laws that the ex-confederate states that restricted the rights of African Americans living in the south.these codes includes Segregation and restrictions on the African Americans to free laborers.
This Code didn't bring the people together because they didn't have the right to make their own decisions and choices.No It isn't in affect today..

Emma S
10/26/2011 03:09:39 am

13th Amendment was ratified in the year of the 1865. It allowed abolished slaves to earn some rights for their lifetime.

14th Amendment was ratified in the same year. It meant that all the people who are born in the USA are citizens EXCEPT for Native Americans.

15th Amendment was ratified in 1870. It meant that African American men can have the right to vote.

kayla l
10/26/2011 03:13:18 am

Reconstruction Amendments- After the Civil War the reconstruction amendment were adopted. The reconstruction amendments consist of 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment, which are concerned with equal rights. These amendment help bring Americans together by abolished slavery,all people born in the U.S., were U.S citizens and that African American men had the right to vote. these amendment are still in effect today.......
Black Codes- Black codes were series of laws passed.These codes included segregation in public spaces.Restrictions on African Americans' rights to be free laborers. these black codes helped the Americans by give the African Americans the right to be free laborers.......
Civil Rights Act of 1866- This act granted African Americans citizenship. It also gave them the rights to make contracts, sue, and own property. this act help bring the Americans and the African Americans together......

Rashed B
10/26/2011 03:15:14 am

The Freedman's Bureau aided the freed slaves in the Reconstruction era it was put in by Abraham Lincoln and was suppose to last for a year

Kala B.
10/26/2011 03:16:42 am

Congressional Reconstruction
This is one act that I picked and this act act is Known as Congressional or Radical Reconstruction, this act was characterized by the imposition of martial law on 10 southern states with the passage of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. A major tenet of Congressional Reconstruction was the idea that new policies were declared, and that should actually be enforced. This act may have had an effect to them because Many people felt this aspect was lacking in Presidential Reconstruction.

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction
This is another act that I picked .Abraham Lincoln's proposed plan for Reconstruction, also known as the Ten Percent Plan, called for 10% of the voters from the 1860 election in southern states to swear oath of loyalty to the U.S. This plan would bring the southern states back to the Union really fast, but it was never passed. Shortly after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln was assassinated. His vice president, Andrew Johnson, was sworn in as the next president. This probably effected people because people really like him because he was a good president.

Presidential Reconstruction
This is the last act that I picked. Presidential Reconstruction was the period from 1865 to 1867 that was characterized by the policies of President Andrew Johnson. Many people in the United States believed President Johnson was too lenient on the former Confederate states. In the 1866 congressional elections, the Republican party took control of both houses of Congress in a landslide victory, an event that marked the beginning of the period known as Congressional Reconstruction.

Blake S.
10/26/2011 04:01:22 am

I chose the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. The 13th amendment freed all slaves, the 14th amendment it made it so that everyone who was born here are U.S. citizens, and the 15th amendment allowed African Americans to vote. The 13th amendment tore them apart because it freed slaves, it made the South mad, and this amendment is still in effect today, so are the 14th and 15th amendments. The 14th amendment helped bring Americans together because it didn't allow African Americans to be U.S. Citizens. The 15th amendment didn't bring Americans together because it allowed African Americans to vote.

jada b
10/26/2011 04:10:22 am

This extended rights for formal slaves after the civil war
It helped the formal slaves have freedom to vote
It continued but there is no slavery in the U.S
All people born in the U.S except Native Americans were U.S citizens
It made sure that anyone that was born here was protected by our government
Its still the law till this day
No citizen of the U.S can be denied the right to vote based on race or color
It didnt allow women to vote
No it is not still this way women and men of any color or race is allowed to vote.

Jenna C
10/26/2011 04:10:45 am

14th Amendment: Stated that people born in the US (except for Native Americans) were US citizens. I think it might of brought people together because it made them accept more people, but also could of tore them apart if they did not like the people. This amendment is still in effect today.

Freedmen's Bureau: Was made to assist former slaves. They made schools for slaves and helped them find work. I think it tore them apart because most people did not want the slaves to be free, but also brought them together because it formed union with African Americans. I mean, African Americans have rights today so I do not think it is exactly still in effect.

15th Amendment: Gave African American men the right to vote. It brought them together because this also formed an alliance with the African Americans. It could have also tore them apart because it still restricted woman to vote.

Steven R.
10/26/2011 04:12:14 am

13th Amendment...It outlawed slavery and freed all slaves.
It made many americans happy but also made large groups of people in the south mad. It both tore us apart and brought us together.
Slavery is still outlawed to this day.

14th amendment... So every body was born is the us was us citzans

15th amendment.... This gave the african amercans the right 2 vote
this is still the same today
Its still the law today.

jordon w
10/26/2011 04:15:54 am

(1) 13th Amendmentmade slavery illegal
and this tore people apart because some people had to do the work themselves.
(2)Civil Rights Act of 1866 it gave the rights for African Americans citizenship and gave them the rights to make contracts, sue, and their propriety
(3)Black Codes that means thatincluded segregation in public spaces and restrictions on African Americans' rights to be free laborers, to own land and homes, and to testify in court.

Dajon D
10/26/2011 04:17:20 am

Freedmen Bureau - They established schools for African americans and they also found employment for them.

Presidential Reconstruction - They characterize by policies of Andrew Johnson.The United states knew that Andrew Johnson was on a former confederate state.

Black Codes - A series of laws by confedrate also include segration places.

Josh T
10/26/2011 04:18:43 am

13th amendment: Confirmed in 1865, this amendment abolished slavery in the US It is known as one of the Reconstruction Amendments, which gave more rights to former slaves after the Civil War.

14th amendment: This amendment was passed in 1866 and confirmed in 1868 it stated that all people born in the US except Native Americans, were US citizens.

15th amendment: This amendment gave African American men the right to vote and was confirmed on February 3, 1870. This amendment states that no citizen of the US can be denied the right to vote based on race or color (except women).

Max D.
10/26/2011 04:57:54 am

The 13 Amendment Ratified in 1865, got red of slavery and made many people happy and many angry.

14th Amendment was passed in 1866 said that all people born in the U.S. except Native Americans, were U.S. citizens.

The 5th Amendment gave African American men the right to vote yet women could not at the time which angered and joyed many people.

Tricia B.
10/26/2011 05:04:58 am

Civil Rights Act of 1866- The African Americans citizenship gave them the rights to make contracts, sue, and own property.

Reconstruction Acts of 1867- Divided the former Confederate states into five military districts. Tennessee was the only southern state not included in the military.

Tenure of Office Act & Johnson's impeachment- The Tenure of Office Act of 1867 was a federal law that restricted the president's power in removing government officials.

Tyler M
10/26/2011 05:05:22 am

1....Civil Rights Act of 1866, rights to make contracts, sue, and own property.The act is really helpful today because if the act didnt happen the U.S wouldnt have that much money

2....13th Amendment, this amendment was nown in 1865, this amendment abolished slavery in the U.S..It helps the african americans have good live and not to obay other people and there rules.

3....14th Amendment, Stated that all people born in the U.S., except Native Americans, were U.S. citizens. it effects the us because they people that are not citizens are still coming in us today when not allowed.

10/26/2011 05:10:58 am

The 13th amendment:Ratified in 1865,It outlaws slavery in th u.s and it kept and keeps america apart today so that blacks and whites can work and live together.

The 14th amendment:passed in 1866, stated that all people born in america exept native americans,I think it tore america apart because of the wars the had with the indi9ans plus they would'nt trade with them.

The 15th amendment: Gives african americans the right to vote, I think that it brang the peoplr together because now when they vote there are more now.

Tyler P.
10/26/2011 05:11:59 am

The three amendments I chose were the 13th,14th,and 15th.

I will first start out with the 13th.
It was passed to illegalize slavery.
The way it brought Americans together was that the African Americans were grateful for the norths' help so they moved up north and bonded with the former abolitionistsm,and it still happens today.

The second amendment is the 14th.
The second decided the fate of Americans because if you were born in the U.S no matter where you came from,you would be a U.S citizen,except for the Native Americans.It brought all Americans together because they had time to get used to one another.That rule still applies today.

The last amendment is the 15th.

It states that any citizen could vote regardless of race or color.This amendment brought Americans together culturally and socially.It continues its duty to bring all together.

That is my conclusion to my study in the 13th,14,and 15th amendments.

10/26/2011 05:12:03 am

The 13th Amendment was a law that abolished slavery in the u.s and is still a law in the u.s.

The 14th amendment was a law that all people that were born in the u.s except Native Americans were citizens and is also sill a law in the u.s.

The 15th amendment was a law that gave African American man the right to vote and is still a law today.

Jordan B.
10/26/2011 05:13:40 am

Freedman's Bureau - Congress made this bureau in 1865 to help former slaves. The bureau built schools and helped them find jobs. A lot of people rebelled against this act. People said blacks did not deserve to go to school or vote, or anything.

Civil Rights Act of 1866 - This act granted African Americans citizenship and gave them the rights to make contracts, sue, and own property. The citizenship rights of African Americans were also protected under the 14th Amendment. Most people Did not want African Americans to have freedom, or equal rights.

Plessy v. Ferguson - Plessy v. Ferguson was an 1896 Supreme Court case that decided "separate but equal" was constitutional. There were mixed opinions in this case. A lot of people were on Plessy's side others were on Ferguson's.

Jade B
10/26/2011 05:14:05 am

The 13th amendment banded slavery in the U.S. and it is known as one of the reconstruction amendments,because it extended rights to former slaves after the civil war.

The 14th amendment This amendment, passed in 1866.

10/26/2011 05:14:45 am

The 13th Amendment got rid of slavery . It Brought our country together because it taught people not to sever people on there Race OR skin Color .

The 14th Amendment made it to were people born on U.S. soil was a citizen by Law . EXCEPT Native Americans . At the time this was a Ridiculous Idea to the South .

The 15th Amendment

Cody N
10/26/2011 05:23:32 am

The 13th Amendment got rid of slavery. It made are country alot more closer and people wouldn't have to be put to work or judged on color. Its not a effect today because all colors work toghether now.

The 14th Amendment alowed every one born in the U.S is a US citizen. If you were born in the US you were a US citizen but native american back then wernt alowed to be a US citizen. today if your from another country you have to take test and live in the US for about 5 years untill you became a US citizen.

The 15th amendment alowed african american the right to vote. this amedment stated that any US citizen in the US is alowed to vote no matter what except ladies at the time. Now any one alowed to vote.

Tanaya D.
10/26/2011 08:46:31 am

14th Amendment-passed in 1866 and ratified in 1868 stated that all people born in the U.S.,except Native Americans,were U.S. citizens.This amendment tore americans apart because some of them didnt think this was fair to the Natives.The 14th amendment is still in effect today. Civil Rights Act Of 1866-granted African Americans citizenship and gave them rights to make contracts,sue,and own property.This act tore alot of americans apart because some of the americans didnt think that african americans shouldnt be treated equal while others thought they should.This act is still in effect today. 13th AMENDMENT- Ratified in 1865,this amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.. This is known as a reconstruction amendment which extended the right to former slaves after the civil war.This amendment did tear apart alot of americans especially between the north and the south because the south believed in slave labor but the north didnt.This amendment is still to be today.I got all my information off of Study Island.

Max D.
11/2/2011 04:16:10 am

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11/2/2011 04:16:25 am

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Jordan J.
11/2/2011 04:55:09 am

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11/2/2011 05:00:01 am

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11/2/2011 05:01:40 am

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11/2/2011 05:02:41 am

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Izzy S
11/2/2011 05:06:04 am

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Rashed B
11/2/2011 05:10:39 am

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Kala B.
11/2/2011 05:10:55 am

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Emma S
11/2/2011 05:11:49 am

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11/2/2011 05:13:18 am

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Taylor H.
11/14/2011 10:53:47 pm

Congressional Reconstruction
This is one act that I picked and this act act is Known as Congressional or Radical Reconstruction, this act was characterized by the imposition of martial law on 10 southern states with the passage of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. A major tenet of Congressional Reconstruction was the idea that new policies were declared, and that should actually be enforced. This act may have had an effect to them because Many people felt this aspect was lacking in Presidential Reconstruction.
Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction
This is another act that I picked .Abraham Lincoln's proposed plan for Reconstruction, also known as the Ten Percent Plan, called for 10% of the voters from the 1860 election in southern states to swear oath of loyalty to the U.S. This plan would bring the southern states back to the Union really fast, but it was never passed. Shortly after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln was assassinated. His vice president, Andrew Johnson, was sworn in as the next president. This probably effected people because people really like him because he was a good president.
Presidential Reconstruction
This is the last act that I picked. Presidential Reconstruction was the period from 1865 to 1867 that was characterized by the policies of President Andrew Johnson. Many people in the United States believed President Johnson was too lenient on the former Confederate states. In the 1866 congressional elections, the Republican party took control of both houses of Congress in a landslide victory, an event that marked the beginning of the period known as Congressional Reconstruction


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