Assignment...In the comment section answer the following...
  1. What is the difference between adaptation and extinction?
  2. What are two ways mentioned in the study island lesson that Humans impact the environment (found on page 2)
  3. List the three natural processes in which the environment changes. (page 1)
  4. Look up (research) and list 3 animals that have gone extinct in the past 100 years due to human impact on the environment.  
Below is a video on extinction, it is an hour long and the quality isn't perfect but there is a lot of good info!  Enjoy
Max D.
1/9/2012 01:43:26 am

Adaptation is when a an animal evolves to adjust to a changing environment well extinction is when a race dies off. Two way that humans affect the world are pollution and habitat destruction. The environment changes by Volcanoes,Fire, and Plants. The Lake Sammamish kokanee, a landlocked salmon, and Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit have gone extinct in the past 100 years

Jeff Hudson
1/9/2012 01:45:46 am

1. adaption is when a species changes to help it find food or shelter. and extinction is when they die cause they cant adapt
2. humans impact the environment by deforestation and pollution.
3. volcanoes, fires, and plants
4. there is a species of lizard called the Martinique Giant Ameiva, and a frog Vegas Valley Leopard Frog,and last of course a Large-headed llama.

Tricia B.
1/9/2012 01:46:34 am

Adaptations are traits that increase the chance that a plant or animal will survive in a specific environment. Organisms with this advantage are more likely to thrive, reproduce, and pass their traits to future generations than organisms without those favorable traits. This process is known as natural selection.

Two ways that humans impact the environment is that they can remove trees and make pollution.

Volcanoes, fire, plants.

3 animals that have gone extinct, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Caspian Tiger, Irish Deer.

Izzy S
1/9/2012 01:47:02 am

1 . Adaptation means that living organisms can adapt to environmental changes . Extinction means that living organisms cannot adapt to environmental changes .

2 . Two ways that humans impact the environment are cutting down forests , (which are animals homes ) , and letting pollution get in the air .

3 . Three natural processes of which the environment changes are Volcanoes , Fires , and Plants .

4 . Three animals that have gone extinct in the past 100 years are the Passenger Pigeon , the Golden Toad , and the Pyrenean Ibex .

david b
1/9/2012 01:47:51 am

1. Adaptation and extinction are different because adaptation is when animals know when to adapt to there habitat, extinction is when a whole bunch of animals disappear at the same time.

2. Two things that impact the environment is pollution and and taking the animals way of living.

3. Three natural processes in which it changes the environment are volcanoes, fires,and plants .

4. My 3 animals that have gone extinct in the past 100 years due to human impact on the environment are the Caspian tiger , laughing owl, and the rogue Chico De Salmor giant lizard.

Davita S.
1/9/2012 01:49:21 am

The difference between adaptations and environmental is adaptations are structural , physicological , or behavioral changes in organisms that usaually develop over multiple generations , and environmental factors such as weather , food , predators cause some organisms to prosper and die off .

1/9/2012 01:54:44 am

The difference between adaptation and extinction is that when a creature adapts it changes its features to its environment. And extinction means to not be able to change and die. Two ways that impact the environment are we cut down tree and we take there food supply. Three natural ways an environment changes is.
1. A volcano erupts
2. a forest dies
3. A an earth quake
three animals that have gone extinct over the past hundred years are the passenger pigeon, Tasmanian tiger, Quagga.

1/9/2012 01:54:44 am

The difference between adaptation and extinction is that when a creature adapts it changes its features to its environment. And extinction means to not be able to change and die. Two ways that impact the environment are we cut down tree and we take there food supply. Three natural ways an environment changes is.
1. A volcano erupts
2. a forest dies
3. A an earth quake
three animals that have gone extinct over the past hundred years are the passenger pigeon, Tasmanian tiger, Quagga.

1/9/2012 01:54:44 am

The difference between adaptation and extinction is that when a creature adapts it changes its features to its environment. And extinction means to not be able to change and die. Two ways that impact the environment are we cut down tree and we take there food supply. Three natural ways an environment changes is.
1. A volcano erupts
2. a forest dies
3. A an earth quake
three animals that have gone extinct over the past hundred years are the passenger pigeon, Tasmanian tiger, Quagga.

Davita S.
1/9/2012 01:55:00 am

Two ways human impact on the environment is motor vehicles , and deforestation .

Davita S.
1/9/2012 01:59:47 am

The three natural processes is Volcanoes , Fire , Plants

kayla l
1/9/2012 02:01:11 am

Adaptations are what organisms use to cope with and survive environmental pressures. Adaptations are structural, physiological or behavioral changes in organisms that usually develop over multiple generations. Populations that have diverse trait variations have a better chance of adapting to changes in their environment. these populations that can adapt will live and reproduce. Those that cannot will die-off and became extinct.

The two ways that Humans impact the environment is pollution and habitat destruction.

Three natural processes in which the environment changes is
Volcanoes. Volcanoes eruptions may release many tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Fire destroy vegetation,destroy animal habitats and release ash into the air. Plants prevent erosion,improve air quality and improve soil quality.

Three animals that have been extinct in the past 10 years, Thylacine, Pyrenean Ibex, Quagga.

Jade B
1/9/2012 02:03:47 am

Adaptations are structural, physiological, or behavioral changes in organisms that usually develop over multiple generations.

Extinction environmental factors such as weather, food, and predators cause some organisms to prosper and others to die.

Ways that humans impact the environment is Factories, motor vehicles, landfills, ranches, pesticides, and even fertilizers can introduce pollutants into the air and water.Human action has also resulted in changes to animal and plant populations. Deforestation and land clearing for farming, ranching, mining, and construction have resulted in the loss of animal habitats

Fires allow new plants to grow.Fires return the nutrients that were bound up in the plants to the soil, enriching it for new plant growth.

Plants improve soil quality.Many plants release chemicals from their roots that improve the quality of the soil. Some plants can even remove toxic metals from the soil.

Plants improve air quality.Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air, and releases the oxygen that animals need to live. Plants can also remove some pollutants from the air.

3 animals that have gone extinct in the past 100 years are Bali Tiger Barbary Lion Caribbean Monk Seal

Shawnda J.
1/9/2012 02:42:02 am

When animal's adapt they can get used to being in a new environment. When an animal goes extinct it was because they couldn't get used to or change for the way the environment changed so they died. Pollution and Forest destruction can cause animals to go extinct or can effect the environment around them.Volcano's, fire, and even water sometimes can effect an animals resources. Thylacine, Caspian Tiger, and the Quagga are 3 animals that have gone extinct.

Anthony R.
1/9/2012 02:42:37 am

1.Adaptions a way for animals to cope with their environment.Extinction is when species dies out because they didn't adapt to their environment.
2.Pollution and Habitat destruction
4.Tasmanian Tiger,Passenger Pigeon,and the Golden Toad

jordon w
1/9/2012 02:44:10 am

(1) Adaptations are what organisms use to cope with and survive environmental pressures Those that cannot will eventually die-off, and become extinct. (2)Deforestation and land clearing for farming, ranching, mining, and construction have resulted in the loss of animal habitats or changes to animal habitats. have made extinction even worse.(3)Volcanoes Fire and Plants(4) Tasmanian Tiger Passenger Pigeon Golden Toad.

Nathan L.
1/9/2012 02:44:42 am

The quagga is in-stick english wolf is in-stick the irish deer the cave beer the cave lion the giant ground sloth they are all in-stick.

Humans they have cost animals to move by destruction by planted farming and ranching and mining.

Tearing up plants and trees to make farms and cites and houses.

there have been a lot of changes by building new cites farms and houses costing for animals to die and move new roods how ever deer also have to move because of new roods.

shayne marie
1/9/2012 02:49:17 am

...1...the difference between adaptation and extinction is that adaptation means that they can adapt to there enviorment and extinction means that they cannot adapt to there enviorment so they die off into what you call extinction...2...pollution and habitat destruction...4...Tasmanian Tigar..,Quagga..,Passenger Piggion..,Golden Toad.

Matthew P.
1/9/2012 04:07:00 am

1. The difference between adaptation and extinction is that extinction is when they die out and adaptation is when they adapt and stay alive.
2. Two ways that humans impact the world is pollution that can cause many problems with things,and habitat destruction witch can kill other animals.
3. The three natural causes are volcanoes, fires, and plants.
4. Arabian Ostrich, Atitlan Grebe, Bali Tiger are three extinct animals within the last 100 years.

K'ala B.
1/9/2012 04:18:24 am

Adaptations is when an animal changes is features in the environment.

Extinction is when and animal can not be able to change and adapt to a different environment will die off.

One way humans can impact on their environment is pollution and habitat destruction.

three ways that natural changes the environment is volcano's and fires and plants.

One animals is t-rex another one is golden toad and the last one is tiger.

1/10/2012 07:08:25 am

Adaptation is when u adapta to survie or get use to doing something.
Extinction is when u die off or disappear.

Matthew P.
1/10/2012 10:52:58 pm

1. the difference between adaptation and extinction is when an animal adapts it lives when i goes extinct it dies.
2. Two ways that humans effect the envelopment is pollution and habitat destruction.
3. The three natural processes are fire, volcano, and plants.
4. Three extinct animals are the, Bali Tiger, atitlan grebe, arabian ostrich.

Dajon D.
1/15/2012 07:34:25 am

1. adaptation is behavioral changes that animals develop
over generation.extinction is when organisms die off.

2. Humans impacted the land by making factories which pollute
and also deforestation.

3.natural processess - volcanoes, plants and fire.

4.Barbary Lion,Bubal Hartebeest,Bali Tiger

Cody N
1/17/2012 03:21:25 pm

1 . Adaptation means that living organisms can adapt to environmental changes . Extinction means that living organisms cannot adapt to environmental changes .

2. two ways that Humans impact the environment is pollution and deforestation.

The three natural processes is Volcanoes , earthquake , Plants

Three animals that have been extinct in the past 100 years, Laughing Owl, Paradise Parrot, Pyrenean Ibex.

1/18/2012 02:32:31 am

The difference between adaptation and extinction is that when a creature adapts it changes its features to its environment. And extinction means to not be able to change and die. Two ways that impact the environment are we cut down tree and we take there food supply. Three natural ways an environment changes is.
1. A volcano erupts
2. a forest dies
3. A an earth quake
three animals that have gone extinct over the past hundred years are the passenger pigeon, Tasmanian tiger, Quagga.

Emma S
1/24/2012 10:20:02 pm

Adaptations are different then extinction by one means getting used to the environment and the other one is that there is no more of that species. When humans impact with the environment we let in pollution and other unhealthy stuff. The volcano, a tsunami and an earthquake. The animals who have been extinct is Arabian Ostrich, the Bali Tiger, and the passenger pigeon.


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