Some organisms have favorable traits that are well-suited to their immediate environment. Organisms with this advantage are more likely to thrive, reproduce, and pass their traits to future generations than organisms without those favorable traits. This process is known as natural selection.

Watch the video below and notice a few examples describing natural selection.  This theory suggests that all organisms are related to each other if you go back far enough in time.   

After watching the video please see the assignment below... be completed in the comment section....
  1. Define and provide and example of an adaptation
  2. What is a mutation and how can they benefit organisms.

Matthew P.
1/4/2012 03:15:14 am

An example of an adaptation is when an animal has to change because it's environment did. like if a birds tree fell over then it has to go to a different one now and has to adapt to the changes in the enviorment.

Matthew P.
1/4/2012 03:15:22 am

An example of an adaptation is when an animal has to change because it's environment did. like if a birds tree fell over then it has to go to a different one now and has to adapt to the changes in the environment.

Emma S
1/4/2012 03:21:19 am

Adaptations means animals will adjust to their environment. This means to live naturally with their surroundings. For example a hark has sharp curve claws to catch their food and capture them. Mutation means a sequence where animals change their genetics. They benefit their traits by new experiences and new traits.

joshua short
1/4/2012 03:22:03 am

adaptation-its where they get used to there enviroment.
mutation-is where somethin forms a little bit over time

shayne marie
1/4/2012 03:24:04 am

Adaptationany alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any of its parts that results from natural selection and by which the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its environment.A form or structure modified to fit a changed environment.

Matthew P.
1/4/2012 03:24:32 am

An example of an adaptation is like when a birds tree falls over and it has to move on to another one it would have to learn to adapt to the new tree.
A mutation is when there is a change in the sequence of an organisms genetic materiel. It can benefit an organism because it can mutate it to be able to learn to adapt to different places.

shayne marie
1/4/2012 03:25:22 am

a sudden departure from the parent type in one or more heritable characteristics, caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome.

1/4/2012 03:27:58 am

An example of adaptation would be a giraffe because it was given a long neck so it could reach the leaves in the trees.Mutation is a change in the sequence of an organism's genetic material.Mutation sometimes can be helpful or harmful or have no effect at all.Mutation benefits organisms by changing it's appearance, physiology and it's behavior.

Nathan L.
1/4/2012 03:29:04 am

the birds on what ever the island was the birds had different shape becks on the islands some had becks that where hard and blunt becks for hammering opening hard clam shells. others had becks that could hunt for food like to eat deer snack and rats and warms. there are birds that had long becks to get fish.

Anthony R
1/4/2012 03:29:08 am

Adaption increases a chance for a animal or plant to survive.Mutation is a change in a plant or animals genes.Mutation can help plants or animals by adapting to their environment.

Rashed B
1/4/2012 03:29:58 am

an adaptation is that bird with that big beak.and mutation is when the animal change

1/4/2012 03:32:17 am

adaptions are traits that increase the chance that a plant and animal will survive in its specific environment.some birds migrate to aviod the cold weather of winter is an example of adaptation

mutation is a change in the sequence of an organisms genetic material mutations may be helpful harmful or ma have no effect on an organism at all

Tricia B.
1/4/2012 04:01:26 am

Adaptations help the animals survive in the environment that they live in.

A change in the sequence of an organism's genetic material is known as a mutation.

tyler mack
1/4/2012 04:02:15 am

all of us people and animals have a sum wat same DNA. we all thought we wouldnt find out

Jade B
1/4/2012 04:05:28 am

Adaptations are traits that increase the chance that a plant or animal will survive in a specific environment. Adaptations might help an organism find food or shelter, survive certain weather conditions, or protect themselves.

are a significant source of genetic variation. Mutations are responsible for introducing new traits and new versions of existing traits.

Jade B
1/4/2012 04:05:32 am

Adaptations are traits that increase the chance that a plant or animal will survive in a specific environment. Adaptations might help an organism find food or shelter, survive certain weather conditions, or protect themselves.

are a significant source of genetic variation. Mutations are responsible for introducing new traits and new versions of existing traits.

david b
1/4/2012 04:07:18 am

One thing of adaptation is that some birds try to avoid the cold weather of winter.

A mutation are a significant source of genetic variation. Mutations are responsible for introducing new traits and new versions of existing traits. And Mutations may be helpful, harmful or have no effect on an organism at all. They may change an organism's appearance, physiology, or behavior.

Jeffrey H.
1/4/2012 04:11:16 am

Adaption is a species way of upgrading so it can get its food or shelter an example would be a lizard trying to eat fruits so it gets a long tongue to reach the fruit.

mutation is defined as sudden and spontaneous change in the cell an example would be a cow born with its head on its arse.

Max D.
1/4/2012 04:14:23 am

A definition of an adaptation is a bird adapting its beek to its environment.

A definition for mutation is when a person is born with an extra body part.

Jordan B.
1/4/2012 04:14:59 am

An example of adaptation is when a bird adapting its beak to a different environment so it can eat. An example of mutation is when a human is born with 8 toes.

Kala B.
1/5/2012 12:43:23 am

Animals can have adaptations that help them survive the weather conditions in their environment as well.

One example of adaptation is Polar Bears.Polar Bears adapted to having a thick layer of fur and having padded paws that help them survive the extreme and harmful weather of the Arctic.

What is mutation?

Mutation is a significant source of genetic variation. Mutations are responsible for introducing new traits and new versions of existing traits.

How can Mutation benefit organism?

Mutations can occur in any cell in an organism's body. Mutations that occur in sex cells of an organism may be passed on to their offspring. Mutations lead to greater genetic diversity of the species.

Mutations may and can be helpful or it can be harmful or have no effect on an organism at all. Mutation may change an organism's appearance, physiology, or behavior.

Izzy S
1/9/2012 01:57:36 am

Adaptation means that a living organism can adapt to environmental changes and live .
A behavioral adaptation in the oceans is the use of loud , low-frequency calls by fin whales to communicate with other whales over great distances .
One kind of a mutation is where it will allow bacteria to survive exposure to various antibiotics .

Cody N
1/12/2012 05:57:14 am

Without food, animals cannot survive, so animals have adapted certain features that allow them to more easily obtain food.

One example of an adaptation is a Lizzard. Lizards have long, fast-moving tongues that allow them to catch insects.

Mutation is a significant source of genetic variation. Mutations are responsible for introducing new traits and new versions of existing traits.
It can benefit an organism because it can mutate it to be able to learn to adapt to different places.

Dajon D.
1/15/2012 07:00:58 am

adaptation is a change in a habit or it could be the
behavior of a organism.adaptation is the way an animal
moves from one place to another.

Mutations is when a animals genetic material has change.
Mutations are beneficail because they increase the diversity
in a organism.


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