Energy can be transformed, or changed, from one form to another.

Assignment...Post in the comment section
1.  Provide an example of chemical energy transforming.
2.  Provide an example of the Sun's nuclear  energy transforming.
3.  Provide an example of thermal or heat energy transforming.
4.  Provide an example of potential energy transforming to kinetic energy.
2/27/2012 01:56:21 am

Electrical energy-Battery->to wires->light bulb

Nuclear energy-Nuclear energy->radiant energy->atmosphere♣

Thermal energy-Heat->popcorn seed->popped pop corn♣

Potential energy-Hammer->nail->nail inside wall♣

kala B.
2/27/2012 01:56:34 am

Chemical energy is energy that an object or material that has bonds, or attractions, holding the particles of the material together. Batteries contain chemical energy.

Nuclear energy is produced through fusion reactions taking place inside the Sun. Nuclear energy is transformed to radiant energy (light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation) that travels through space.

Kinetic energy is the energy something has because of its motion. Potential energy is the energy something has because of its position. As objects and organisms move, they may gain potential energy and lose kinetic energy, or they may gain kinetic energy and lose potential energy.

Heat and thermal energy transformation for example is a exploding star for example, radiates through space as heat. Some of the stored chemical energy that is in the human body converts to heat when it is released to help grow new living cells or to make the body move.

2/27/2012 01:57:26 am

1. Provide an example of chemical energy transforming: Eating food and getting energy from the food after it is broken down.

2. Provide an example of the Sun's nuclear energy transforming: Plants convert radiant energy into chemical.

3. Provide an example of thermal or heat energy transforming: Moving gears of a machine lose heat energy due to friction as mechanical motion is transferred from one gear to another.

4. Provide an example of potential energy transforming to kinetic energy: A rock perched upon a cliff is potential energy, when it starts to fall down the cliff it is kinetic.

Randy L.
2/27/2012 01:58:08 am

An example of chemical energy transforming is chemical energy of fossil fuels to become gasoline. An example of nuclear energy is when the nuclear energy of the sun is used to make plants to help Earth's environment. An example of heat energy transforming is when you rub your hands together. An example of potential-to-kinetic energy is when a skater is going down a halfpipe.

Marissa T
2/27/2012 02:30:13 am

1. An example of Chemical Energy transforming is: Chemical Energy (Batteries) transforms to Electrical Energy (Wires) which transforms to Radiant Energy (Light Bulb) creates a Flashlight.

2. 'An example of the Sun's Nuclear Energy transforming is: Nuclear Energy transforms to Radiant Energy, while Radiant Energy transforms to Heat Energy or Chemical Energy.

3. An example of Thermal or Heat Energy transforming is: Friction on the gears for the bike.

4. An example of Potential Energy transforming to Kinetic Energy is: When a yo-yo is at is highest point (before it falls) all of the energy is transformed into Potential energy. Once the yo-yo falls, the Potential Energy is transformed into Kinetic because the yo-yo is in motion.

kayla lybrook
2/27/2012 03:28:15 am

An example of chemical energy transforming is chemical energy of a flash light changes into electrical energy which than changes into acoustic energy.An example of the Sun's nuclear energy transforming is changes into radiant that changes into heat energy.An example of thermal or heat energy transforming is the moving gears of a machine lose heat energy due to friction as mechanical motion is transferred from one gear to another.An example of potential energy transforming to kinetic energy is the total amount of energy in this yo-yo stays the same at all times, but the amount of kinetic and potential energy changes with the position of the yo-yo. When the yo-yo is at its highest position (before it falls), all of its energy is in the form of potential energy.

Tyler P.
2/27/2012 03:29:04 am

An example of chemical energy transforming is inserting a battery into a compact disk player.

An example of the Sun's nuclear energy transforming is when it changes to light energy and travels through space.

An example of thermal energy transforming is magma flowing up through a volcanic shaft and erupting as lava.

An example of potential energy transforming into kinetic energy is picking up a bottle of water and dropping it.

Anthony Kapilovic
2/27/2012 03:31:01 am

An example of chemical energy is the acid in a battery changing to electricity, An example of the suns nuclear energy changing into light energy that we yous as heat, An example of heat energy transforming is heat being transformed into mechanical, An example of potential energy transforming is when you drop a ball the potential energy is transformed into kinetic.

David B
2/27/2012 03:31:34 am

Chemical energy is energy that an object or material has because of the bonds, or attractions, holding the particles of the material together. Batteries contain chemical energy.and this is how to get chemical energy.

Nuclear energy is produced through fusion reactions taking place inside the Sun. And this is how to get Nuclear energy.

Some of the stored chemical energy in the human body converts to heat when it is released to help grow new living cells or to make the body move.

Kinetic energy is the energy something has because of its motion. Potential energy is the energy something has because of its position. As objects or organisms move, they may gain potential energy and lose kinetic energy, or they may gain kinetic energy and lose potential energy. And this is potential and kinetic energy.

These are all the ways of energy.

Jade B
2/27/2012 03:32:14 am

An example of chemical energy transforming.chemical energy battery plus electrical energy wires plus radiant energy light bulb equals flashlight and that is one example of chemical energy transforming.

an example of the Sun's nuclear energy transforming.Nuclear energy is converted into radiant energy (light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation) that travels through space. Radiant energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and converted into heat energy.Plants are able to convert radiant energy from the Sun into chemical energy

Izzy S
2/27/2012 04:10:40 am

1 . Food contains chemical energy that is released by our bodies and used to perform life processes .

2 . Plants are able to obsorbe and convert radiant energy from the Sun into chemical energy , stored in the food created by photosynthesis . When consumers , such as humans , eat plants , the chemical energy is converted into mechanical and heat energy .

3 . The moving gears of a machine lose heat energy due to friction as mechanical motion is transferred from one gear to another .

4 . As a yo-yo falls , the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy because it is moving .

Tricia B.
2/27/2012 04:11:06 am

1.Chemical energy transforming- Chemical energy...Electrical energy...Radiant energy.

2.Sun's nuclear energy transforming-Nuclear Energy...Heat energy.

3.Thermal or heat energy transforming-The moving gears of a machine looses heat energy do to friction as mechanical motion is transferred from one gear to another.

4. Potential energy transforming to kinetic energy- As a yo-yo falls, the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy because it is moving

Jade B
2/27/2012 04:12:51 am

an example of thermal or heat energy transforming.radiates through space as heat. Some of the stored chemical energy in the human body converts to heat when it is released to help grow new living cells or to make the body move.

an example of potential energy transforming to kinetic energy.he total amount of energy in this yo-yo stays the same at all times, but the amount of kinetic and potential energy changes with the position of the yo-yo. When the yo-yo is at its highest position (before it falls), all of its energy is in the form of potential energy.

Tanaya D.
2/27/2012 04:15:58 am

An example of chemical energy transforming would be a battery.An example of Sun nuclear energy transforming would be the sun giveing heat to the earth.An example of thermal and heat energy transforming would be a exploding star in space.An example of potential energy transforming to kinetic energy would be when heat turns to cold air.

Shawnda J.
2/27/2012 04:16:54 am

Chemical Energy (battery) ---> Electrical Energy (wires) ---> Radiation Energy (light bulb) Flashlight
Chemical energy (battery) ---> Electrical Energy (wires) ---> Acoustic Energy (speakers) Radio
Chemical Energy (coal) ---> Heat Energy (water) ---> Mechanical Energy (rising strings turn turbine) Electrical Energy (generator) Electricity (from coal)

Emma S
2/27/2012 05:19:02 am

The chemical energy transforms from the attractions and the bonding with the batteries. Nuclear energy is transforming by fusion and radiant energy. The thermal energy transforms by the heat and the friction. The potential energy depends on the motion and then it hits the ground.

2/27/2012 10:40:17 pm

Chemical energy transforming is like a peace of wood on fire. Another way of chemical energy transforming is boling water and how it evaporats.

2/27/2012 10:50:29 pm

The Sun's nuclear energy transforming into the radiant energy which the radiant energy is going into the earths atmosphere/heat energy.

2/27/2012 10:58:04 pm

Thermal energy is generated and measured by heat of any kind. It is caused by the increased activity or velocity of molecules in a substance, which in turn causes temperature to rise accordingly.

2/27/2012 11:28:00 pm

An example of potential energy and kinetic energy is like if we did'ent have kinetic energy when we sit down we would just slid off. With kinetic energy when we sit down it's like we are siting on gum. Potential energy is the energy of a body or a system due to the position of the body or the arrangement of the particles of the system.

Max D.
2/27/2012 11:54:40 pm

Here are some examples of energy transforming.
An example of chemical energy transforming would be a flashlight turning on.
The sun's nuclear energy transforming would happen when a plant performs photosynthesis.
Boiling water is a good example of heat energy.
An example of of potential energy would be a rock on top of a steep hill.

tyler m
2/28/2012 08:35:08 am

a chemical change EMPLE would be liquid changing into gas
when a guy goes up a ramp thats potential energy but when he comes down thats kinetic energy

2/29/2012 01:18:06 am

1.chemical energy from the atoms go through the outlet which creates electrical energy, which powers a tv.
2. nuclear energy from the sun gives light to trees which makes the trees grow.
3.nuclear energy gives heat to the earth.
4.a ball is sitting on the top of a hill which is potential energy , then the ball starts rolling down the hill which is kinetic energy.


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