Examine the types of relationships between organisms discussed in Study Island this week.  Symbiosis or Symbiotic Relationships are described as, "an interaction between individuals of different biological species. At least one of the organisms receives a benefit from the interaction."  After examining the chart below and watching the video provided please complete the following:

Please research to complete the following...Answers should be posted to this blog!

1. An example of a Commensalism Symbiotic Relationship found in nature...List the two species and include the benefit received by one species.

2. An example of a Mutualism Symbiotic Relationship found in nature...List the two species and include the benefit received by both species.

3. An example of a Paraistism Symbiotic Relationship found in nature...List the two species and include the benefit received by one species and the negative effect received by the other species.
10/9/2011 11:19:36 pm

1.An example of Commensalism is a bird living in a tree the bird benefits but the tree dose not.

2.An example of Mutualism is that a bee pollinates a flower the benefit is that the bee can make honey and the flower can reproduce.

3.An example of Parasitism is a type of parasites that attaches to a host human/animal such as tapeworm,tick or mite

Autumn S.
10/9/2011 11:22:47 pm

I did an example on Commensalism the example is a bird on an hippo and the bird is eating all the bugs off of the hippo and that's an example of Commensalism.
I did an example on Mutualism and example of Mutualism is like a fish and a shrimp and the shrimp was blind and the fish cant dig so then shrimp was digging for the fish and the fish was helping him get his food since he was blind.
A example of Parasitism is a mosquito because the mosquito's harm us by biting us. Or a bee because they sting us.Or ticks

Cheyenne G.
10/9/2011 11:24:45 pm

I am doing a demonstration of my work. tigers and golden jackals are one of them because they are a demonstration of commesalism.The next one is the shrimp and the worm.The fish receives benefits by it looking out for the shrimp because it was blind the fish guided.the shrimp receives benefits by it digging the whole while the fish keeps a look out for predators.The last one is the parasite the parasite at times kills animals and people.Like the mosquito it sucks the blood out of your body and gives us bummps and it itches....

James F.
10/9/2011 11:34:00 pm

1.Commensalism:Cattle and livestock. This is an example of com. because the livestock walk around on fields and when they do it moves the insects and then the cattle can get them.
2.Mutualism:Fish and Srimp.This is an example of mut. because the shrimp makes a house for the fish and him because the fish cant,but the shrimps blind so the fish watches for predators in return.
3.Paraistism:Flea and dog.This is an example of par. because the flea sucks the dogs blood and harms him.

10/10/2011 12:14:53 am

Commensalism-Tiger&Golden Jakle The tiger helps the jackal get food

Mutualism-Gobly&shrimp The gobly helps the shrimp becuase it is blind and in exchange for the shrimp to constantly renovate their home

Paraistism-Ticks&dogs The ticks drinks the dogs blood and and make the dog itch
the dog dose not benefit at all

Da'Niesha King
10/10/2011 12:20:48 am

Commensal- Tigers and Jackals, The tiger is not affected but the Jackal gets leftovers from the tiger.

Mutualism- Fish and the Shrimp in the video have a mutual relationship. The fish has good eye vision so it can see danger and protect the shrimp. The Shrimp Provides A home.

Parasitism-A dog and flea, a flea gets a home and food and the dog gets harmed because the flea eats the dog blood

Kaytlyn T
10/10/2011 12:23:28 am

1.An example of Commensalism is a clown fish realizes on the anemone for protection and the anemone realizes on the clownfish because the clown fish gets the scrapes and it brings and can sting and digest the large fish that the clownfish lures in.
2.An example of Mutualism is when a blind shrimp and a fish the fish provides guidance and the shrimp provides a home for the fish
2. an example of paralisim is human and head lice head lice gets food from the humans head and it hurts the human.

Logan W
10/10/2011 12:24:42 am

Parasitism is a form of symciosis it means that a parasite is any organism or living thing that benifts from another creatures harm.In other words the parasites harm the host organism while the parasites benifets.

Mutualism is a relationship between two organisms which is to the advantage of both. The two organisms usually come from widely different types, often from different phyla or even kingdoms. The term is not used for any cooperation between animals of the same species.Mutualism is a type of symbiosis which improves the biologic fitness of both parties.

In ecology commensalim is a class of relationship between two organisms where on organism benifits but the other is neutral. there other two types are mutualism and parasitism.

Ricky D
10/10/2011 01:10:22 am

1. The fish and the shrimp, the fish gets a home and the shrimp gets protection.
2.The egrets benefit from this relationship because the livestock have helped them find their meals, while the livestock are typically unaffected by it.
3.The worm and the body, the worm gets a host and food but the body is harmed by the worm.

Jessica H.
10/10/2011 01:10:43 am

Commensalism: Is like a crab and a octopus when a crap put the plant on his back.
Mutualism:Is like a blind shrimp and a fish and the fish protects it from harm.
Parasitism:Is like flee and cat how the flee take there blood and the kitty is upset.

David F
10/10/2011 01:14:08 am

Mutualism is a sharing organism that shares a same home or plane like the Red-Bill Oxpicker eats ticks of of the Impala's coat.

Parasitism is like a smaller host and the other species is the opasite as the host they dont go near the host like a Brood parasitism is forming into a egg

Commensalism is a class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits but the other is neutral.like the Titan Tigerfish creates feeding opportunities for smaller fish by moving large rocks

raicharr wray johnson
10/10/2011 01:14:32 am


an example of mutualism is the crab and the sea anemone. the sea anemone helps the crab by protecting him from the octopus when in danger.


an example of commensalism is the monkey and the dear communicating when someone comes or when something gonna happen.a monkeys species is Alouatta coibensis. a deer spcies isCervidae family include white-tailed deer, elk, moose, red deer, reindeer, fallow deer, roe deer and chital. Male deer of all species (except the Chinese water deer) and female reindeer grow and shed new antlers each year.


an example of Parasitism is when a mosquito stings you we get harmed because they fill us with posion

Reno. S
10/10/2011 01:17:02 am

Mutualism is the way two organisms biologically interact where each individual derives a fitness benefit.

An example of Mutualism is the Clown fish and the sea anemone, The clown fish benefits by having a protected home territory.

The sea anemone benefits by receiving protection from polyp eating fish,which the Clown Fish chases away. The anemone also gets fertilizer from the feces of the Clown Fish.

dakota s.
10/10/2011 01:20:39 am

1.COMENSALISM/ In India, lone golden jackals banned by their pack have been known to form commensal relationships with tigers. Jackals will partner themselves to a particular tiger.staying at a safe distance to eat some of the tiger's kills. A jackal will warn a tiger to a kill a loud animal. Tigers have been known to tolerate these jackals: one report describes how a jackal confidently walked in and out between three tigers walking together a few feet away from each other. Tigers will kill jackals once in a while . Extinct tigers of the Amu Darya region were known to eat jackals frequently.
2. Mutualism/ Clownfish are small, brightly-colored fish found in coral reefs. They are commonly found in the tentacles of sea anemones, which capture their prey by paralyzing them with discharged cidoblasts and then ingesting the animal within the gastrovascular cavity. Studies have shown that a component of clownfish mucus inhibits the discharge of these cnidoblasts. Clownfish and sea anemones present an example of facultative mutualism. The clownfish benefits by having a protected home territory.
3 Paraistism/ misquotes are a good example.they will land on a human host they bernifet but the host is harmed.

Sierra J
10/10/2011 01:21:02 am

1. Mutualism - fish and shrimp - benefits: shrimp - uses fish for protection and a way to see. fish - uses shrimp for shelter.

2. Commensalism - tiger and golden jackal - benefits : tiger - jackals alert tigers to kill.

3. Parasitism - dogs and fleas - fleas benefit, dogs are harmed.

Jordan P.
10/10/2011 08:14:00 am

An example of a commensalism is cattle and birds. The cattle stir up bugs in the field. The birds come down and eat the insects off the cattle. An exaple of a mutualism is plants and insects. The bumblebee and flowers. The bumblebee colects the pollin and on the way to the hive drop some to make more flowers. An example of a parasitism is mosquitos and humans. While the mosquito gains nurishment the human is harmed.

Tesha S.
10/13/2011 08:04:29 pm

TIGERS-JACKALS: When a Golden Jackals are kicked out of there 'pack' they tend to attach themselves to one particular tiger. The one benefit that the jackal receives is that it gets to eat whatever the tiger catches.

The sea anemones provide shelter for the clown fish while the clown fish provides the food for the sea anemones.They both get the benefit.

The one example I found is called 'brood parasitism'. The one example that I found is between the cuckoo bird basically any other bird. The cuckoo bird lays its egg in other birds already built nest. The bird is now its 'babysitter' If the host removes the eggs then the cuckoo bird will attack it- in other words the cuckoo bird forces the other bird with a death threat. Sometimes the cuckoo bird does not force other birds.

Jordan J
10/18/2011 11:08:53 pm

To live these crustaceans must permanently attach it's self to a rock and or any other solid object. When attached to a shell of a scallop, the scallop is unharmed.

The humming bird and the Dianthus.

Fleas are a parasite, they harm us. They make us itch and scratch, they feed on blood of mammels.

Wesley G.
11/3/2011 09:13:40 am

Commensalism- a clown fish lives in a anemone for protection and the anemone isn't harmed
Mutualisim- a crocodile allows birds clean its mouth and the birds eats the crocs left overs
Prasitism- a mosquito drinks a humans blood and leaves a bump that ich on the human


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